I had another "aha" moment today. For some reason, the word "empath" got stuck in my head. After following a few links through Google, I ended up reading several articles about highly sensitive people (HSPs), and not surprisingly, some references to being INFJ also showed up. I started researching characteristics of HSPs and recognized myself instantly.
I found an interesting
list of the traits of HSPs that were all too familiar. In fact, I answered "yes" to every one of the following questions:
Do you get overwhelmed by stimuli such as lights, noises, and smells? Do other people’s moods and emotions deeply affect you?Are you easily startled? Do you become uneasy when someone is watching you complete a task? Do you become tired easily after a “normal” day of activity? Are you aware of other things in your environment that most other people are not aware of? Do you become agitated or anxious when you have a lot of tasks to do and not enough time to complete all of them? Do you avoid disturbing or violent movies, books, or T.V. shows? Do you feel the need to escape and retreat when there is too much going on around you? Are you deeply interested in the arts or music? Do you dislike changes in your life? Do you enjoy delicate tastes, scents, sounds, soft fabrics, or beautiful works of art? Have you always been labeled as shy or sensitive by other people? Are you overly conscientious? Do you seem to be more sensitive to pain than other people? Are you sensitive to certain foods such as foods containing caffeine, sugar or alcohol? Do you become unpleasant when you are hungry? Do you easily sense the energies of places or situations? Are you easily touched by others' experience, stories of kindness, and courage? Are you attracted to the deeper things such as spirituality, self-development and philosophy? Do you need time alone? Are your feelings easily bruised? Do you have a vivid imagination?After reading this list, is it really any wonder that I'm often exhausted, can't sleep, or feel sad, stresed or overwhelmed? Interestingly, I think that the more time that I spend in intentional solitude, getting to know myself and enjoying my own company, the more sensitive I am to the influences of external factors.
Last week I was baffled by the fact that I had a few informational job interviews and in one case in particular, the minute I walked into the office, I had a "bad" feeling about the office and the prospective employer. I tried to articulate to a friend why I knew that wasn't the job for me - even though I don't have any other firm offers - but I couldn't find the right words. I just knew that I "wasn't feeling it", as my daughter would say.
I'm really curious to better understand the correlation between HSPs and INFJs. If you know anything about this, or can recommend good resources, please post a comment.