Thursday, April 5, 2007

Things I love about hypomania

Bipolar disorder isn't all bad... in fact, there is one thing about it that's quite good, in moderation of course. That's hypomania, a mildly euphoric mood which for me is characterized by an excess of energy, creativity, enthusiasm, optimism and productivity. Here's a list of some of the many things I love about hypomania:

  1. Jumping out of bed ready to face the day
  2. Not being jerked out of already elusive sleep by the awful sound of an alarm clock
  3. Seeing everything "in color" instead of the usual shades of gray
  4. Having boundless energy
  5. Great creative ideas
  6. Motivation to get things done
  7. Connecting with old friends that I didn't feel like talking to when I was depressed
  8. Cleaning my house and keeping it clean (at least for a while)
  9. Not crying at the drop of a hat (which can be very embarrassing)
  10. Getting twice as much done in half the time, then having even more time because I don't have to waste it sleeping
  11. Losing weight because of all the activity
  12. Feeling happy for no particular reason
  13. Feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future
  14. Being able to laugh
  15. Not being depressed

Feel free to post your own list.

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