Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gratitude Journal: January 2008

It's easy to express thanks for the "big things" in our lives - a new job, a new partner or spouse, a raise, a baby or a new car. It's harder to remember that it's just as important to express our gratitude for the smaller things, the things that we often take for granted.

An attitude of gratitude is crucial to our emotional and spiritual well-being for a number of reasons: (1) it reminds us of how blessed we are - always and in all ways; (2) it helps us maintain perspective on our lives by focusing on our "haves" rather than our "have nots"; (3) it supports the universal Law of Attraction that says that we create what we think about, whether it's abundance or lack; and (4) and last but not least, spiritually, it's simply the right thing to do - a grateful heart pleases God.

I've already started a gratitude/abundance journal for 2008. In it, I'm keeping track of the things - both big and small - that I am grateful for on a daily basis. I am trying to pay particular attention to those things that remind me that I'm living a life of simple abundance. I finally realize that abundance is not measured by the size of my bank account or the square footage of my house. It's measured by the peace, joy, contentment and love that exists in my life on a daily basis. It's evidenced when I find a great sale on an item I really needed or wanted, or when I'm invited to a friend's for dinner or when I resist the urge to buy something that I don't need for all the wrong reasons.

The more I focus on living abudantly, and being grateful for that, the more abundance I find in my life. For example, in 2007 I earned less than I've made in years, yet I had more disposable income than I've had in years. I can honestly say that there isn't a single thing last year that I really needed that I didn't have the resources to purchase. In fact, I was even able to buy a few things that I didn't need, but really wanted. And what's even nicer is that I did not use a credit card or take money from my savings account to do it. Now THAT'S something to be thankful for!

So, starting now, at the end of each month I'll post a partial list of the simply abundant things that I'm thankful for that manifested during the month:

  1. Saved hundreds at the eye doctor (switched from special daily contacts to much less expensive contacts that I can sleep in and use for a month, eliminating the need for another expensive pair of glasses!)

  2. Able to exchange 2 boxes of contact lenses that I'd bought before my Rx changed for more of the newer, less expensive lenses, even though I was well past the return period.

  3. Purchased the $70 set of circular knitting needles that I've been looking at for months for only $6 after catching a 30% off sale AND using a $45 gift card from the students in my knitting class at work.

  4. Got a sound machine (ocean noises to help me sleep) for $0.02 after returning 2 boxes of coffee pods that my mother had purchased, which were for the wrong machine.

  5. Got the correct coffee pods for my new coffee maker from an online liquidator - instead of $4.99 for a box of 18, I got 162 coffee and tea bods for only $19.99!

  6. Found a beautiful black leather coat in perfect condition at the local thrift store for $24.99.

  7. Celebrated the best New Year's Eve ever at home, dancing by candlelight with my new man.

  8. Found the perfect Christmas gift for my knitting friend (a page-a-day knitting calendar) at half-price because I bought it the day after Christmas.

  9. Found out that my new favorite artist, Kem, is going to be performing in my town on Valentine's Day!

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